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Geochronology is the science to determine the absolute age of rocks, fossils, and sediments, in a certain degree of uncertainty inherent in the methods used. Various types of age determination methods used by geologists to achieve this. 
Geochronology different application by biostratigraphy, which is the science of sedimentary rocks to put in a certain period geoogi through delineate, and benchmarking of Cataloging a collection of fossils of flora and fauna. Biostratigraphy not directly provide an absolute age determination of rocks, just place them in a given time interval in which the collection of these fossils have been known to have ever lived together. 
For example, with reference on the time scale of Geology, Permian and Over (Lopingian) lasted from 270.6 + / - 0.7 Ma to between approximately 250.1 + / - 0.4 Ma (Triassik oldest known) and 260.4 + / - 0.7 Ma (Lopingian youngest known) - a void in a collection of fossils that have determined its age, known to almost reach 10 Ma. While the biostratigraphic age of the Permian layers can show Lopingian, determining the actual age of these layers can be anywhere between 270 until 251 Ma. 
On the other hand, a determined old granite 259.5 + / - 0.5 Ma can reasonably called the "Permian", or more precisely, has mengintrusi in Permian time. 
Geochronology of science is the main tool used in the field Chronostratigraphy, which seeks to obtain absolute ages for all collection of fossils and determine the geologic history of Earth and the outer surface of the earth.

Geology Structure

Folded rock formations, a geological study of the subject structure
Geological structure is a study of three-dimensional distribution of rock body and its surface is flat or folded, and its internal structure.
Geologic structure that includes surface shape are also discussed in the study of geomorphology, and geology engineering metamorfisme. By studying the three-dimensional structure of rocks and regions, we can make conclusions about the tectonic history, geological environment in the past and the occurrence of deformation. This can be integrated in time using stratigraphical controls and Geochronology, to determine the time of forming the structure.
More formally stated as a branch of geology that relate to the geological process whereby a force has caused the transformation of form, composition, or the internal structure of rock into the shape, arrangement, or other internal interlaboratory composition.


Extrusive and intrusive (plutonic) is the same composition, but strong differences can be seen from the structure. These are formed due to its subduction (volcanic arc = darri typical subduction zone).

Types of volcano
· Shield volcano
· Composite volcano
· Dome volcano

Types of eruption
· Fissure
· Pyroclastic eruption (sediment grains)
A pyroclastic flow (Also Known scientifically as a pyroclastic density current) is a common and devastating result of certain explosive volcanic eruptions. The flows are fast-moving Currents of hot gas and rock (Known collectively as tephra), Which travel away from the volcano at speeds as great as Generally 700 km / h (450 mph).

1. Lava fountain
2. Eruptions of tephra (pyroclastic deposits of fine-grained = fine sand to clay)
This is used as a marker bed in determining the stratigraphy

Types of volcano based on size relatives ???????????????

Condition-related disasters or Geological Process

Here we review the processes of natural disasters is the primary geological process. Geological processes can be identified as an endogenous process (which works inside the Earth) and exogenous processes (who worked on the surface of the Earth).Endogenous process consists of:

1. Tectonic motion - causing an earthquake. Mengebabkan earthquake fault occurrence in the earth's crust. Earthquake shocks could spark Avalanche or Landslide as happened in Padang Pariaman. The fault that occurred on the seabed could trigger a tsunami (the process occurred at sea or hydrosphere), as happened when the earthquake December 26, 2004 in the Indian Ocean. Meanwhile, the landslide that occurred in the deep ocean trenches can also generate tsunami.
2. Magmatic - raises volcano - causing volcanic eruptions that cause pyroclastic flows or when there is Lava Hot participating crater lake collapsed. Then, deposition of sand on the slopes of the volcano when exposed to heavy rain (atmospheric processes) can lead to Lava flow, either hot or cold lava lava. Examples like that happened Mount Merapi Yogyakarta