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Mineralogy is an earth science that focuses on chemical properties, crystal structure, and physical (including optical) of minerals. This study also covers the process of mineral formation and change.
Initially, the mineralogy is more focused on the classification system of rock-forming minerals. International Mineralogical Association is an organization whose members represent organizations that mineralogical experts from each country. Its activities include the naming of minerals mengelolaan (through the Commission of New Minerals and Mineral Names), location of known minerals, etc.. Up to 2004 there have been more than 4000 species of minerals that are recognized by the IMA. Of all these, the 150 can be classified as "general", 50 others "sometimes", and the rest is "rarely" to "extremely rare"
In recent years, due to the development view of experimental techniques (such as neutron defraksi) and existing computing capabilities have enabled atomic-scale simulation of the behavior of crystals with highly accurate, this science has evolved to encompass broader more general issues in the field of inorganic chemistry and solid physics. Although demikan, these fields remain focused on the crystal structure which is generally found on rock-forming minerals (such as the perovskites, clay minerals and silicate framework). In particular, these fields have made progress regarding the relationship of mineral structure and usefulness; in nature, a prominent example of the accuracy of calculations and estimates of elastic properties of minerals, which has opened an in-depth knowledge about the seismic behavior of rock and disharmony related to the depth of the mantle at seismiogram earth. Thus, with regard to the relationship between atomic-scale phenomena and properties of the macro, the science of minerals (such as those commonly known today) is more likely related to materials science than other disciplines.

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