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Geomorphology is a scientific study of Earth's surface and poses that happened to him. Broadly speaking, associated with the landform (land form) eroded from the rock hard, the shape formed by the construction of rock debris, and sometimes by perolaku organisms in which they live. "Surface" (surface) should not be interpreted narrowly; must include also the most distant Earth's crust. Appearance of subsurface, especially in areas where limestone is very important cave system formed and is an integral part of geomorphology. The effects of erosion by water, wind, and ice, in collaboration with latitude, altitude and position relative to the water laiut. Can be said that each region with specific climatic characteristics also have their own views as a result of erosion that works differently to the existing geological structure. Incision of water on a hard limestone layer can form a permanent river flow and periodic, can also be a drainage channel that passes through the weak parts. To form a basin-basin on the yag eroded and left the higher part of the hard eroded. The size of this basin and the height can be several centimeters to several kilometers. Morphology of macro Below are some forms of surface karst morphology meters to kilometers in size:

* Swallow Holes: Locations where surface flow entirely or partially from a subsurface flow contained in the limestone. Swallow holes contained in the Polje is often called ponor. (Marjorie M. Sweeting, 1972). This understanding is used to mark the spot where the stream disappears into underground water.
* Sink holes: also called doline, which is the negative form of depression or bowl shape with a small diameter up to 1000 m more. (William B. White, 1988)
* Vertical shaft: the ideal form, is a cylinder with a vertical wall against inclinasi remodel bedding bedding. (William B. White, 1988)
* Collapse: collapse
* Cockpit: Valley of the existing forms of cone karst in the humid tropics. Cockpit contours are not circular as in the doline but like a star shape with sides that are identical, indicating that cone formation is a determining factor. (Alfred Bogli, 1978)
* Polje: depression aksentip karst area, enclosed on all sides, partly made from the floor is flat, with steep boundaries in some parts and the real angle between the base / floor with the edge of sloping or steep it. (Fink, Union Internationale de Speleologie)
* Uvala: extensive karst basin, essentially uneven width (Cjivic, 1901): an elongated valley berkelak sometimes twisting, but is generally on the basis that resembles a chalice. (Lehman, 1970)
* Dry Valley: the valley that looks like any other but there is no flow except sometimes after the great ice followed by rapid melting of ice. (G. T. Warwick, 1976).
* Java has a fairly specific area of karst karstic Sewu Mountain, where the formation of the hills like a cup upside down (cone hill) and cone (conical hill) is so perfect with the valleys. Mount is the residue of erosion and the valleys is an area of active erosion diaman past and present. Depression or parts of the basin is the lowest point and the disappearance of surface water below the surface. Erosion widen the structure (see geology of the cave and cave formation theory), fracture, fault, and the field layer, and forming caves, both vertical and horizontal.
* The caves can also be formed by karstic springs. Springs (spring) there are several types of karst:
* Bedding spring, springs are formed in places where there is widening of the field layer,
* Fracture springs, springs that formed in places where there is widening the field of fracture,
* Contact spring, the spring is formed by the contact between limestone and other stones are impermeable.
* In addition there are special types of springs under the sea called vrulja.
Microstructure morphology There are karst area with a small dip angle and the surface was slippery. The area is separated in the form of joint blocks by open, called grike-Bhs. England, or Kluftkarren-Bhs. Germany. This minor formations in the German language has a suffix karren (lapies-Bhs France). Often the surface of the block was cut into a dendritic pattern of the runnel with a base row (round) are separated by a row of ridge (ridge) which drain into grike first. Also sometimes they have a long profile which is almost smooth. This formation is called Rundkarren. Another type is Rillenkarren that have sharp lines, the tip of the ridge bounded by rows V-shaped channel Usually appear on the surface is steeper than rundkarren yag, with sub-parallel channels and a few branches. Microrillenkarren is a combined form, but only a few centimeters in length and width of 10-20 mm. Pseudo karren, has the same shape and rinnenkarren rundkarren. But it only occurs in granite in the humid tropics.
CAVE Water and ice carvings are the main factors that widen the weak zonal layer of limestone, forming caves. There are many theories explaining the origins of the cave (classical theory), but now there are theories that explain and generally accepted. Differences theory was provided by people from different karst areas, in accordance with the characteristics of the area. See the latest theories about the process terlahirnya cave. See also speleogenesis.

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