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7 Based Crystal Sistem Crystaloghrapy

a. Isometric system (Cubic = Tesseral = Tessuler)
This system is also called a regular system, often known as a system of cube / cubic. Number 3 and the crystal axis perpendicular to one another. Each axis of equal length.

1. - Tritetrahedral
2. - Didodecahedral
3. - Hexatetrahedral
4. - Trioctahedral
5. - Hexoctahedral

b. Tetragonal system (Quadratic)
Same with the isometric system, this system has 3 axes of each crystal are perpendicular to each other. Axes a and b have the same unit of length. While the different c-axis, can be longer or shorter (usually longer).

1. - Tetragonal pyramidal
2. - Tetragonal trapezohedral
3. - Tetragonal bipyramidal
4. - Ditetragonal pyramidal
5. - Ditetragonal bipyramidal
6. - Tetragonal tetrahedral
7. - Tetragonal Scalenohedral

c. Hexagonal System
This system has four axes of crystals, in which the c-axis perpendicular to the axis of the other third. Axis a, b, and d each other form an angle 120o to one another. Axis a, b, and d has the same length. While the length of c is different, it can be longer or shorter (usually longer).

1. - A trigonal bipyramidal
2. - Ditrigonal bipyramidal
3. - Hexagonal pyramidal
4. - Hexagonal trapezohedral
5. - Hexagonal bipyramidal
6. - Dihexagonal pyramidal
7. - Dihexagonal bipyramidal

d. Trigonal system (rhombohedral)
Some experts put this system into the hexagonal system. Similarly, his depiction is also the same way. The difference is when the trigonal once formed the base plane, which then created a triangle-shaped hexagonal Degnan connecting two points through a single point angle corners.

1. - Trigonal pyramidal
2. - Trigonal trapezohedral
3. - Ditrigonal pyramidal
4. - Rhombohedral
5. - Ditrigonal scalenohedral

e. Orthorombic System (Rhombic = Prismatic = Trimetric)
3 has a crystal axis perpendicular to one another. The third axis of the crystal has a different length.

1. - Rhombic tetraheral
2. - Rhombic pyramidal
3. - Rhombic bipyramidal

f. Monocline system (oblique = Monosymetric = Clinorhombic = Hemiprismatik)
Monocline means has only one three-axis tilt of its axis. A-axis perpendicular to the axis b; b perpendicular to c, but not c-axis perpendicular to the axis a. The third axis has a length that is not the same, generally yangpaling c-axis length and the shortest b axis.

1. - Sphenoidal
2. - Domatic
3. - Prismatic

g. Triklin System (Anorthic = Asymetric = Clinorhombohedral)
triklin system for a, b, c are not equal and not equal maked angle and greater than 90

1. - Pedial
2. - Pinacoidal

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