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Extrusive and intrusive (plutonic) is the same composition, but strong differences can be seen from the structure. These are formed due to its subduction (volcanic arc = darri typical subduction zone).

Types of volcano
· Shield volcano
· Composite volcano
· Dome volcano

Types of eruption
· Fissure
· Pyroclastic eruption (sediment grains)
A pyroclastic flow (Also Known scientifically as a pyroclastic density current) is a common and devastating result of certain explosive volcanic eruptions. The flows are fast-moving Currents of hot gas and rock (Known collectively as tephra), Which travel away from the volcano at speeds as great as Generally 700 km / h (450 mph).

1. Lava fountain
2. Eruptions of tephra (pyroclastic deposits of fine-grained = fine sand to clay)
This is used as a marker bed in determining the stratigraphy

Types of volcano based on size relatives ???????????????

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