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Sedimentary structures

Sedimentary structures is a very broad sense, including the appearance of normal bedding including bedding kofigurasi appearance and / or modification of the bedding also caused both during the deposition process lasted well after the precipitation stops. Therefore it is important to first explain what exactly is meant by the bedding (bedding), so that will further clarify the limits of sediment structure.

Actually there has been no satisfactory bedding Definitively all parties, although in fact very broad terms the bedding was used in the descriptions of the Late Neogene sediments. Definitively the most widely used are those proposed by Otto (1938), a single is a unit of sedimentary layers deposited on the physical conditions remain constant. In line with the bedding itself was interpreted as a depositional surface areas caused by a change in sedimentation regime from time to time. These changes include:

A. Physical changes:

1. changes in the grain, including shape, size, orientation, packing and composition.
2. changes in various rocks, such as the limestone and marl.
3. Color change, although still having the same composition.

B. Chemical changes. In liquid solution carrying sediment changes in temperature, pressure, and concentration of ions will cause the bedding as well.

C. Biological processes. Differences in populations of organisms from time to time, will cause the bedding. Although no remains of dead organisms as fossils (eg worms) but the trail is likely to be found.

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